Mean lightcurves for Mira stars

The diagrams show a 12 order polynomial fit to the mean lightcurve at maximum. The lightcurves is based on data from AAVSO, AFOEV, VSOLJ, BAAVSS, ASAS-SN and DASCH. The lightcurves covers 80% of the period around the maximum.
For each individual maximum a 8 order polynomial was fitted and the time for the maximum was established. Each individual maximum was centred with the time for maximum as 0 and then overlaid on each other. Finally a 12 order polynomial fit was made based on the overlaid curve and using observations within of 80% of the star's period around maximum.
The mean lightcurves was then overlaid and best fitted to each identified individual maximum for the star and once again was the time for maximum and magnitude at maximum recorded. This data together with O-C diagrams for the selected Miras can be found at O-C diagrams for Mira stars.
The period elements and spectral type under each diagram is from GCVS4, the magnitude at max is from the calculated maxima.

And - CMi
Cap - Cyg
Del - Hyi
Ind - Ori
Pav - Vul

R Pav
Period: 229.46, Epoch: 2442009
Mag at max: 8.1 ±0.4 (7.0-9.2)
Spectral type: M3e-M5(II)e

T Pav
Period: 243.62, Epoch: 2439429
Mag at max: 8.1 ±0.4 (6.9-9.4)
Spectral type: M4e

W Pav
Period: 283.35, Epoch: 2440420
Mag at max: 9.3 ±0.6 (8.0-11.0)
Spectral type: M4e-M7e

R Peg
Period: 378.1, Epoch: 2442444
Mag at max: 7.9 ±0.4 (7.1-8.9)
Spectral type: M6e-M9e

S Peg
Period: 319.22, Epoch: 2445311
Mag at max: 8.1 ±0.3 (7.4-8.7)
Spectral type: M5e-M8.5e

T Peg
Period: 379.4, Epoch: 2445159
Mag at max: 9.2 ±0.4 (8.1-10.8)
Spectral type: M6e-M8e

V Peg
Period: 302.35, Epoch: 2444506
Mag at max: 8.8 ±0.4 (7.0-10.2)
Spectral type: M3e-M7e

W Peg
Period: 345.5, Epoch: 2444873
Mag at max: 8.4 ±0.3 (7.6-9.4)
Spectral type: M6e-M8e

X Peg
Period: 201.2, Epoch: 2445244
Mag at max: 9.5 ±0.3 (8.0-10.4)
Spectral type: M2e-M5e

Y Peg
Period: 206.93, Epoch: 2443038
Mag at max: 10.8 ±0.5 (9.6-12.1)
Spectral type: M3e-M5e

Z Peg
Period: 334.8, Epoch: 2445090
Mag at max: 8.5 ±0.3 (7.9-9.8)
Spectral type: M6e-M8.5e(Tc)

RR Peg
Period: 264.05, Epoch: 2445290
Mag at max: 9.4 ±0.4 (8.0-10.7)
Spectral type: M4e-M8e

RS Peg
Period: 415.4, Epoch: 2445161
Mag at max: 9.6 ±0.4 (8.8-10.8)
Spectral type: M6e-M9e

RT Peg
Period: 215, Epoch: 2445599
Mag at max: 10.1 ±0.4 (9.2-11.4)
Spectral type: M3e-M6e

RV Peg
Period: 396.8, Epoch: 2442049
Mag at max: 10.5 ±0.8 (9.0-12.8)
Spectral type: M6e

RW Peg
Period: 208.43, Epoch: 2445457
Mag at max: 9.8 ±0.4 (8.8-11.3)
Spectral type: K3e-M6.5e

RZ Peg
Period: 438.7, Epoch: 2445248
Mag at max: 8.7 ±0.4 (7.6-10.1)
Spectral type: C9,1e(Ne)(Tc)/CSe

SS Peg
Period: 424.8, Epoch: 2445177
Mag at max: 8.9 ±0.3 (8.4-9.3)
Spectral type: M6e-M7e

SX Peg
Period: 303.6, Epoch: 2445186
Mag at max: 8.6 ±0.2 (8.2-9.1)
Spectral type: S3,9e-S4.5,9e

TU Peg
Period: 321.6, Epoch: 2445137
Mag at max: 8.8 ±0.4 (7.9-9.5)
Spectral type: M7e-M8e

AN Peg
Period: 280.07, Epoch: 2442667
Mag at max: 10.6 ±0.2 (10.1-11.1)
Spectral type: M5

DG Peg
Period: 146.6, Epoch: 2440449
Mag at max: 10.6 ±0.3 (10.1-11.3)
Spectral type: M4e

DL Peg
Period: 180.4, Epoch: 2442759
Mag at max: 10.3 ±0.3 (9.7-11.0)
Spectral type: M0

R Per
Period: 209.89, Epoch: 2445339
Mag at max: 8.9 ±0.4 (8.0-10.3)
Spectral type: M2e-M5e

U Per
Period: 320.26, Epoch: 2445066
Mag at max: 8 ±0.2 (6.9-8.4)
Spectral type: M5e-M7e

RR Per
Period: 389.62, Epoch: 2444944
Mag at max: 9.4 ±0.4 (8.5-10.7)
Spectral type: M6e-M7e

RZ Per
Period: 355.25, Epoch: 2445498
Mag at max: 9.5 ±0.2 (8.9-10.2)
Spectral type: S4,9e

AI Per
Period: 231, Epoch: 2438642
Mag at max: 11.5 ±0.2 (11.2-11.9)
Spectral type: Me

R Phe
Period: 269.26, Epoch: 2439486
Mag at max: 8.2 ±0.4 (7.3-9.4)
Spectral type: M2(II)e-M4(III)e

T Phe
Period: 281.79, Epoch: 2441070
Mag at max: 9.6 ±0.4 (8.7-12.0)
Spectral type: M5e

V Phe
Period: 257, Epoch: 2440817
Mag at max: 9.3 ±0.4 (7.5-10.2)
Spectral type: M4e

W Phe
Period: 333.95, Epoch: 2441455
Mag at max: 8.8 ±0.4 (8.1-9.6)
Spectral type: M5e-M6e

RS Phe
Period: 239, Epoch: 2424802
Mag at max: 10.1 ±0.4 (9.2-11.0)
Spectral type: M2e

S Pic
Period: 428, Epoch: 2439595
Mag at max: 8 ±0.5 (7.2-9.0)
Spectral type: M6.5e-M8III-IIe

T Pic
Period: 200.58, Epoch: 2441283
Mag at max: 8.5 ±0.4 (7.9-10.3)
Spectral type: M6IIIe

R Psc
Period: 344.5, Epoch: 2444920
Mag at max: 8.5 ±0.9 (6.8-11.3)
Spectral type: M3e-M6e

S Psc
Period: 404.62, Epoch: 2442325
Mag at max: 9.6 ±0.5 (8.2-10.8)
Spectral type: M5e-M7e

U Psc
Period: 173.1, Epoch: 2443432
Mag at max: 11.1 ±0.4 (9.2-12.4)
Spectral type: M4e

W Psc
Period: 188.1, Epoch: 2445337
Mag at max: 10.4 ±0.2 (9.9-11.0)
Spectral type: M2e-M4

X Psc
Period: 349.6, Epoch: 2442314
Mag at max: 8.6 ±0.4 (7.9-9.9)
Spectral type: M5e-M6e

Piscis Austrinus
Period: 297.6, Epoch: 2440820
Mag at max: 8.9 ±0.4 (7.5-10.1)
Spectral type: M3(II)e-M5IIe

Period: 271.7, Epoch: 2440696
Mag at max: 9.3 ±0.4 (8.4-10.8)
Spectral type: M3e-M5IIe

Period: 179, Epoch: 2436006
Mag at max: 10.2 ±0.2 (9.9-10.9)
Spectral type: Me

U Pup
Period: 318.44, Epoch: 2438882
Mag at max: 9.4 ±0.6 (8.5-11.7)
Spectral type: M5e-M8e

W Pup
Period: 119.7, Epoch: 2444956
Mag at max: 8.3 ±0.4 (7.3-9.7)
Spectral type: M1e-M6e

Z Pup
Period: 508.6, Epoch: 2443075
Mag at max: 8.5 ±0.6 (7.2-9.5)
Spectral type: M4e-M9e

RW Pup
Period: 340.88, Epoch: 2442360
Mag at max: 9.4 ±0.3 (8.7-10.3)
Spectral type: M3e-M6e

S Pyx
Period: 206.1, Epoch: 2443565
Mag at max: 9.2 ±0.5 (8.0-10.8)
Spectral type: M3e-M5e

R Ret
Period: 278.46, Epoch: 2441703
Mag at max: 7.7 ±0.5 (6.6-9.4)
Spectral type: M4e-M7.5e

W Sge
Period: 278.26, Epoch: 2444423
Mag at max: 9.8 ±0.5 (9.0-11.2)
Spectral type: M4e-M6.5

ST Sge
Period: 192.31, Epoch: 2445691
Mag at max: 10.4 ±0.3 (9.8-11.2)
Spectral type: M4e

R Sgr
Period: 269.84, Epoch: 2443371
Mag at max: 7.4 ±0.3 (6.7-8.1)
Spectral type: M4e-M6e

S Sgr
Period: 230.64, Epoch: 2440478
Mag at max: 10.3 ±0.5 (9.5-12.7)
Spectral type: M3e-M4.5e

T Sgr
Period: 394.66, Epoch: 2444897
Mag at max: 8.2 ±0.3 (7.4-9.5)
Spectral type: S4.5,8e-S5.5,8e

Z Sgr
Period: 450.41, Epoch: 2439250
Mag at max: 9.4 ±0.7 (8.5-11.2)
Spectral type: M4e-M9(Se)

RR Sgr
Period: 336.33, Epoch: 2440809
Mag at max: 6.7 ±0.5 (5.6-8.5)
Spectral type: M4e-M9e

RT Sgr
Period: 306.46, Epoch: 2442083
Mag at max: 7.3 ±0.4 (6.0-8.2)
Spectral type: M5e-M7e

RU Sgr
Period: 240.49, Epoch: 2441900
Mag at max: 7.3 ±0.4 (6.4-9.5)
Spectral type: M3e-M6e

RV Sgr
Period: 315.85, Epoch: 2442621
Mag at max: 8.1 ±0.4 (7.0-8.9)
Spectral type: M4e-M9

RX Sgr
Period: 335.23, Epoch: 2442171
Mag at max: 9.7 ±0.4 (9.0-12.1)
Spectral type: M5e

ST Sgr
Period: 395.12, Epoch: 2440463
Mag at max: 8.7 ±0.6 (7.2-10.6)
Spectral type: C4,3e-S9,5e

SW Sgr
Period: 289.9, Epoch: 2439275
Mag at max: 10.3 ±0.4 (9.4-12.4)
Spectral type: M5e-M8

TY Sgr
Period: 325.41, Epoch: 2440056
Mag at max: 9.9 ±0.5 (9.0-12.8)
Spectral type: M3e

R Sco
Period: 224.61, Epoch: 2444678
Mag at max: 10.6 ±0.4 (9.5-12.0)
Spectral type: M(3)e

S Sco
Period: 177.92, Epoch: 2441463
Mag at max: 10.8 ±0.4 (9.4-12.4)
Spectral type: M(3)e

W Sco
Period: 221.27, Epoch: 2439162
Mag at max: 11.9 ±0.5 (10.5-13.5)
Spectral type:

X Sco
Period: 199.86, Epoch: 2439135
Mag at max: 11 ±0.3 (10.4-12.5)
Spectral type: M2e

Z Sco
Period: 343.03, Epoch: 2441750
Mag at max: 9.7 ±0.3 (9.0-10.6)
Spectral type: M5.5e:-M7e

RR Sco
Period: 281.45, Epoch: 2445418
Mag at max: 6.2 ±0.3 (5.5-7.1)
Spectral type: M6II-IIIe-M9

RS Sco
Period: 319.91, Epoch: 2444676
Mag at max: 6.9 ±0.4 (6.2-8.1)
Spectral type: M5e-M9

RT Sco
Period: 449.04, Epoch: 2439252
Mag at max: 8.9 ±0.8 (7.0-10.8)
Spectral type: S7,2(M6e-M7e)

RU Sco
Period: 370.75, Epoch: 2439980
Mag at max: 8.7 ±0.4 (7.5-9.6)
Spectral type: M4/6e-M7II-IIIe

RW Sco
Period: 388.45, Epoch: 2439078
Mag at max: 9.8 ±0.7 (8.4-11.5)
Spectral type: M5e

SV Sco
Period: 262, Epoch: 2439606
Mag at max: 9.9 ±0.4 (8.7-11.0)
Spectral type: M3e

S Scl
Period: 362.57, Epoch: 2442345
Mag at max: 6.7 ±0.4 (6.0-8.1)
Spectral type: M3e-M9e(Tc)

T Scl
Period: 202.42, Epoch: 2441985
Mag at max: 9 ±0.4 (7.6-10.0)
Spectral type: M3-M6e

U Scl
Period: 333.73, Epoch: 2441430
Mag at max: 9.8 ±0.5 (8.6-11.1)
Spectral type: M5e

V Scl
Period: 296.1, Epoch: 2440378
Mag at max: 9.6 ±0.6 (8.0-10.9)
Spectral type: M4e-M6e

X Scl
Period: 261.63, Epoch: 2441425
Mag at max: 10.6 ±0.3 (9.9-11.3)
Spectral type:

R Ser
Period: 356.41, Epoch: 2445521
Mag at max: 6.7 ±0.4 (5.6-8.0)
Spectral type: M5IIIe-M9e

S Ser
Period: 371.84, Epoch: 2445433
Mag at max: 8.6 ±0.4 (7.7-10.1)
Spectral type: M5e-M6e

T Ser
Period: 338.12, Epoch: 2445509
Mag at max: 10 ±0.5 (8.8-12.4)
Spectral type: M7e

U Ser
Period: 237.5, Epoch: 2445652
Mag at max: 8.6 ±0.4 (7.6-9.6)
Spectral type: M3e-M6e

BC Ser
Period: 245, Epoch: 2438860
Mag at max: 10 ±0.3 (9.5-10.4)
Spectral type: M3e-M5e

S Sex
Period: 264.9, Epoch: 2445390
Mag at max: 9.3 ±0.4 (8.2-10.8)
Spectral type: M2e-M5e

R Tau
Period: 320.9, Epoch: 2445250
Mag at max: 8.6 ±0.4 (7.7-9.8)
Spectral type: M5e-M9e

S Tau
Period: 374.5, Epoch: 2444927
Mag at max: 10.5 ±0.7 (8.7-12.2)
Spectral type: M6.5e-M9e

V Tau
Period: 168.7, Epoch: 2445316
Mag at max: 9.4 ±0.4 (8.6-11.1)
Spectral type: M0e-M4.5e

Z Tau
Period: 466.2, Epoch: 2443436
Mag at max: 10.5 ±0.5 (9.2-12.2)
Spectral type: S7.5,1e(M7e)

RU Tau
Period: 544.6, Epoch: 2442690
Mag at max: 10.5 ±0.4 (9.7-11.5)
Spectral type: M3.5e-M6.5

RX Tau
Period: 331.8, Epoch: 2441282
Mag at max: 9.9 ±0.4 (8.9-11.4)
Spectral type: M6e-M7e

VX Tau
Period: 298.9, Epoch: 2433600
Mag at max: 10.1 ±0.4 (9.6-11.3)
Spectral type: M8e

R Tel
Period: 467, Epoch: 2452979
Mag at max: 8.7 ±0.6 (6.9-10.5)
Spectral type: M5IIe-M7e

R Tri
Period: 266.9, Epoch: 2445215
Mag at max: 6.3 ±0.3 (5.3-7.3)
Spectral type: M4IIIe-M8e

Z Tri
Period: 216.1, Epoch: 2432915
Mag at max: 9.8 ±0.3 (9.2-10.9)
Spectral type: M2e

R Tuc
Period: 286.06, Epoch: 2439745
Mag at max: 10.1 ±0.7 (8.0-11.9)
Spectral type: M5e

S Tuc
Period: 240.71, Epoch: 2441432
Mag at max: 9.1 ±0.6 (7.7-10.3)
Spectral type: M3e-M5II-Ibe

T Tuc
Period: 250.3, Epoch: 2441974
Mag at max: 8.1 ±0.3 (6.9-9.1)
Spectral type: M3IIe-M6IIe

U Tuc
Period: 264.8, Epoch: 2444914
Mag at max: 8.7 ±0.4 (7.9-9.8)
Spectral type: M3e-M7e

Ursa Major
Period: 301.62, Epoch: 2445593
Mag at max: 7.5 ±0.4 (6.6-8.4)
Spectral type: M3e-M9e

Period: 225.87, Epoch: 2445778
Mag at max: 7.9 ±0.1 (7.7-8.4)
Spectral type: S0,9e-S5,9e

Period: 256.6, Epoch: 2445623
Mag at max: 7.8 ±0.4 (6.8-8.8)
Spectral type: M4IIIe-M7e

Period: 249.04, Epoch: 2445707
Mag at max: 9.9 ±0.5 (8.8-12.5)
Spectral type: M3e-M4e

Period: 230.58, Epoch: 2445719
Mag at max: 9.6 ±0.4 (8.7-11.0)
Spectral type: M4e

Period: 258.97, Epoch: 2445991
Mag at max: 9.1 ±0.4 (8.3-10.3)
Spectral type: M4e-M6e

Period: 252.46, Epoch: 2445687
Mag at max: 9.1 ±0.5 (8.1-10.2)
Spectral type: M3e-M5e

Ursa Minor
Period: 331, Epoch: 2445931
Mag at max: 8.3 ±0.2 (7.8-9.1)
Spectral type: M6e-M9e

Period: 301, Epoch: 2445761
Mag at max: 9.4 ±0.3 (8.6-10.3)
Spectral type: M4e-M6e

Period: 330.92, Epoch: 2445418
Mag at max: 8.3 ±0.2 (7.9-8.7)
Spectral type: M6e-M8e

W Vel
Period: 394.72, Epoch: 2440699
Mag at max: 8.9 ±0.4 (8.1-10.7)
Spectral type: M5-M8IIIe

Y Vel
Period: 449.9, Epoch: 2440437
Mag at max: 9.2 ±0.6 (8.2-11.7)
Spectral type: M8e-M9.5

Z Vel
Period: 411.4, Epoch: 2439898
Mag at max: 9.4 ±0.4 (8.4-10.2)
Spectral type: M9e

R Vir
Period: 145.63, Epoch: 2445872
Mag at max: 7 ±0.3 (6.2-7.9)
Spectral type: M3.5IIIe-M8.5e

S Vir
Period: 375.1, Epoch: 2445046
Mag at max: 7 ±0.4 (6.1-8.1)
Spectral type: M6IIIe-M9.5e

T Vir
Period: 339.47, Epoch: 2440277
Mag at max: 9.8 ±0.4 (9.0-11.0)
Spectral type: M6e

U Vir
Period: 206.64, Epoch: 2444736
Mag at max: 8.2 ±0.3 (7.5-9.4)
Spectral type: M2e-M8e:

V Vir
Period: 250.08, Epoch: 2444667
Mag at max: 9.1 ±0.5 (8.2-10.3)
Spectral type: M3e-M6e

Y Vir
Period: 218.43, Epoch: 2445805
Mag at max: 9.5 ±0.4 (8.3-10.3)
Spectral type: M2e-M5e

Z Vir
Period: 305.71, Epoch: 2442496
Mag at max: 10.4 ±0.5 (9.1-11.5)
Spectral type: M5e

RR Vir
Period: 217.52, Epoch: 2438146
Mag at max: 11.7 ±0.4 (10.6-12.9)
Spectral type:

RS Vir
Period: 353.95, Epoch: 2445753
Mag at max: 8.2 ±0.4 (7.2-9.2)
Spectral type: M6IIIe-M8e

RU Vir
Period: 433.2, Epoch: 2437773
Mag at max: 10 ±0.9 (8.0-11.8)
Spectral type: C8,1e(R3ep)

RV Vir
Period: 265.87, Epoch: 2440635
Mag at max: 11.3 ±0.5 (10.0-12.3)
Spectral type: M5e

SU Vir
Period: 208.6, Epoch: 2444278
Mag at max: 9.8 ±0.4 (8.4-11.0)
Spectral type: M2e-M5.5e

SY Vir
Period: 236.65, Epoch: 2438440
Mag at max: 9.9 ±0.4 (9.0-10.9)
Spectral type: M6:

R Vol
Period: 453.6, Epoch: 2442279
Mag at max: 10.6 ±0.9 (8.2-12.2)
Spectral type: C(N)e

S Vol
Period: 394.8, Epoch: 2441940
Mag at max: 8.8 ±0.3 (8.1-9.6)
Spectral type: M4e

R Vul
Period: 136.73, Epoch: 2445586
Mag at max: 8.2 ±0.3 (7.3-9.4)
Spectral type: M3e-M7e

BD Vul
Period: 430, Epoch: 2425758
Mag at max: 9.8 ±0.4 (9.1-10.7)
Spectral type: C6-7,3e(Ne)