Mean lightcurves for Mira stars

The diagrams show a 12 order polynomial fit to the mean lightcurve at maximum. The lightcurves is based on data from AAVSO, AFOEV, VSOLJ, BAAVSS, ASAS-SN and DASCH. The lightcurves covers 80% of the period around the maximum.
For each individual maximum a 8 order polynomial was fitted and the time for the maximum was established. Each individual maximum was centred with the time for maximum as 0 and then overlaid on each other. Finally a 12 order polynomial fit was made based on the overlaid curve and using observations within of 80% of the star's period around maximum.
The mean lightcurves was then overlaid and best fitted to each identified individual maximum for the star and once again was the time for maximum and magnitude at maximum recorded. This data together with O-C diagrams for the selected Miras can be found at O-C diagrams for Mira stars.
The period elements and spectral type under each diagram is from GCVS4, the magnitude at max is from the calculated maxima.

And - CMi
Cap - Cyg
Del - Hyi
Ind - Ori
Pav - Vul

R Ind
Period: 216.26, Epoch: 2441801
Mag at max: 9.1 ±0.5 (7.5-11.1)
Spectral type: M2e-M4(II)e

S Ind
Period: 399.95, Epoch: 2439779
Mag at max: 8.4 ±0.5 (7.4-9.9)
Spectral type: M6e-M8eII-Ib:

R Lac
Period: 299.86, Epoch: 2441526
Mag at max: 9.3 ±0.4 (8.1-11.4)
Spectral type: M5e-M8.5e

S Lac
Period: 241.5, Epoch: 2443804
Mag at max: 8.3 ±0.3 (7.7-9.1)
Spectral type: M4e-M8.2e

R Leo
Period: 309.95, Epoch: 2444164
Mag at max: 5.8 ±0.3 (5.1-6.7)
Spectral type: M6e-M8IIIe-M9.5e

S Leo
Period: 190.16, Epoch: 2443591
Mag at max: 10.2 ±0.4 (9.5-11.8)
Spectral type: M3e-M6e:

V Leo
Period: 273.35, Epoch: 2442706
Mag at max: 9.2 ±0.4 (8.4-10.4)
Spectral type: M5e

W Leo
Period: 391.75, Epoch: 2443627
Mag at max: 10 ±0.5 (8.6-11.4)
Spectral type: M5.5e-M7e

RS Leo
Period: 208.2, Epoch: 2445020
Mag at max: 10.3 ±0.3 (9.7-11.1)
Spectral type: M5e

Leo Minor
Period: 372.19, Epoch: 2445094
Mag at max: 7.4 ±0.5 (6.5-8.7)
Spectral type: M6.5e-M9.0e(Tc:)

Period: 233.83, Epoch: 2445292
Mag at max: 8.5 ±0.4 (7.6-9.8)
Spectral type: M2.0e-M8.2e

R Lep
Period: 427.07, Epoch: 2442506
Mag at max: 7.4 ±0.8 (6.3-9.3)
Spectral type: C7,6e(N6e)

T Lep
Period: 368.13, Epoch: 2441844
Mag at max: 8.4 ±0.4 (7.3-10.4)
Spectral type: M6e-M9e

X Lep
Period: 278.81, Epoch: 2438744
Mag at max: 9.4 ±0.3 (8.8-10.1)
Spectral type: M7e

R Lib
Period: 241.85, Epoch: 2439221
Mag at max: 10.8 ±0.6 (9.5-12.9)
Spectral type: M5e

S Lib
Period: 192.9, Epoch: 2441883
Mag at max: 8.6 ±0.3 (8.0-9.4)
Spectral type: M1.0e-M6.0e

T Lib
Period: 237.5, Epoch: 2438474
Mag at max: 11.1 ±0.5 (9.2-12.9)
Spectral type: M4e-M5.5e

U Lib
Period: 226.59, Epoch: 2439124
Mag at max: 9.7 ±0.4 (9.0-11.0)
Spectral type: M3e-M8.0e

V Lib
Period: 255.3, Epoch: 2439214
Mag at max: 9.9 ±0.5 (8.5-11.2)
Spectral type: M5e-M8.0e

W Lib
Period: 205.5, Epoch: 2438945
Mag at max: 11.4 ±0.5 (10.4-12.9)
Spectral type:

X Lib
Period: 164.38, Epoch: 2438470
Mag at max: 11.1 ±0.5 (10.0-12.6)
Spectral type: M4e

Y Lib
Period: 275.7, Epoch: 2444017
Mag at max: 8.7 ±0.4 (7.5-10.6)
Spectral type: M5e-M8.2e

RR Lib
Period: 277.01, Epoch: 2438784
Mag at max: 8.7 ±0.4 (7.9-10.6)
Spectral type: M4e-M8e

RS Lib
Period: 217.65, Epoch: 2442154
Mag at max: 7.7 ±0.3 (6.7-9.5)
Spectral type: M7e-M8.5e

RT Lib
Period: 251.16, Epoch: 2439193
Mag at max: 8.9 ±0.4 (8.0-10.4)
Spectral type: M2.5pe-M8.2e

RU Lib
Period: 316.56, Epoch: 2441840
Mag at max: 8.2 ±0.4 (7.3-9.4)
Spectral type: M5e-M6e

SX Lib
Period: 332.9, Epoch: 2441900
Mag at max: 10.1 ±0.6 (8.9-11.2)
Spectral type: M6e:

R Lup
Period: 235.62, Epoch: 2440840
Mag at max: 9.9 ±0.3 (8.9-10.7)
Spectral type: M5e

S Lup
Period: 339.73, Epoch: 2441762
Mag at max: 8.8 ±0.4 (7.7-9.9)
Spectral type: Se

Y Lup
Period: 396.82, Epoch: 2441520
Mag at max: 10 ±0.5 (8.7-11.2)
Spectral type: M7e

R Lyn
Period: 378.75, Epoch: 2445175
Mag at max: 8.1 ±0.3 (7.2-9.2)
Spectral type: S2.5,5e-S6,8e:

S Lyn
Period: 296.34, Epoch: 2444966
Mag at max: 9.6 ±0.4 (8.5-10.5)
Spectral type: M6e-M8.2e

T Lyn
Period: 406, Epoch: 2443200
Mag at max: 9.5 ±0.5 (8.6-11.1)
Spectral type: C5,2e-C7,1e(NOe)

U Lyn
Period: 433.6, Epoch: 2445111
Mag at max: 9.8 ±0.4 (8.9-10.9)
Spectral type: M7e-M9.5:e

W Lyn
Period: 295.2, Epoch: 2442050
Mag at max: 10.2 ±0.4 (9.4-11.0)
Spectral type: M6

X Lyn
Period: 320.8, Epoch: 2445045
Mag at max: 10.2 ±0.4 (9.5-11.1)
Spectral type: M5e

S Lyr
Period: 438.4, Epoch: 2442924
Mag at max: 11 ±0.7 (9.0-12.2)
Spectral type: SCe

U Lyr
Period: 451.72, Epoch: 2442492
Mag at max: 9.7 ±0.5 (8.3-11.3)
Spectral type: C4,5e(N0e)

V Lyr
Period: 373.53, Epoch: 2445209
Mag at max: 10 ±0.6 (8.5-12.2)
Spectral type: M7e

W Lyr
Period: 197.88, Epoch: 2445084
Mag at max: 8 ±0.3 (7.2-8.8)
Spectral type: M2e-M8e

Z Lyr
Period: 291.7, Epoch: 2445266
Mag at max: 10.2 ±0.3 (9.3-11.4)
Spectral type: M4e-M5.5:e

RS Lyr
Period: 301.41, Epoch: 2442919
Mag at max: 10.5 ±0.3 (9.2-11.8)
Spectral type: M5e

RT Lyr
Period: 253.7, Epoch: 2445119
Mag at max: 10.3 ±0.4 (9.1-11.9)
Spectral type: M5e

RU Lyr
Period: 371.84, Epoch: 2445121
Mag at max: 10.7 ±0.4 (9.4-11.8)
Spectral type: M6e:-M8e

RW Lyr
Period: 503.75, Epoch: 2444486
Mag at max: 11.9 ±1 (9.5-13.5)
Spectral type: M7e

RX Lyr
Period: 247.82, Epoch: 2444585
Mag at max: 12 ±0.4 (10.9-12.9)
Spectral type: Me

RY Lyr
Period: 325.79, Epoch: 2445306
Mag at max: 9.9 ±0.4 (9.0-11.0)
Spectral type: M5e-M6e

SS Lyr
Period: 346.33, Epoch: 2445090
Mag at max: 10.1 ±0.4 (9.3-11.1)
Spectral type: M5IIIe

ST Lyr
Period: 300.5, Epoch: 2444433
Mag at max: 10.7 ±0.3 (10.1-11.4)
Spectral type: M4IIIe

SU Lyr
Period: 417.79, Epoch: 2440795
Mag at max: 13.6 ±0.7 (11.6-14.5)
Spectral type:

TV Lyr
Period: 262.31, Epoch: 2438439
Mag at max: 11.2 ±0.3 (10.6-12.0)
Spectral type: M4e

TW Lyr
Period: 376.71, Epoch: 2443039
Mag at max: 10.6 ±0.4 (9.9-11.6)
Spectral type: M6

TY Lyr
Period: 333.71, Epoch: 2442677
Mag at max: 10.1 ±0.4 (9.1-10.9)
Spectral type: M8e

UV Lyr
Period: 235.2, Epoch: 2442341
Mag at max: 11.1 ±0.5 (10.2-12.2)
Spectral type:

VZ Lyr
Period: 246.4, Epoch: 2428052
Mag at max: 11.2 ±0.4 (10.6-12.1)
Spectral type: M

WZ Lyr
Period: 376.64, Epoch: 2444568
Mag at max: 10.6 ±0.3 (10.0-11.4)
Spectral type: M9e

AB Lyr
Period: 216.5, Epoch: 2439212
Mag at max: 10.8 ±0.4 (10.2-11.8)
Spectral type: M4e

AN Lyr
Period: 224.2, Epoch: 2437872
Mag at max: 10.2 ±0.4 (9.3-11.8)
Spectral type: M7e

EL Lyr
Period: 234.1, Epoch: 2435040
Mag at max: 11.6 ±0.3 (11.1-12.4)
Spectral type:

R Mic
Period: 138.62, Epoch: 2443311
Mag at max: 9.3 ±0.3 (8.4-10.6)
Spectral type: M4e

S Mic
Period: 209.68, Epoch: 2440485
Mag at max: 9.2 ±0.5 (8.0-10.7)
Spectral type: M3e-M5.5

U Mic
Period: 334.29, Epoch: 2439540
Mag at max: 8.7 ±0.6 (7.7-10.5)
Spectral type: M5e-M7e

V Mon
Period: 340.5, Epoch: 2444972
Mag at max: 7.1 ±0.5 (6.0-10.3)
Spectral type: M5e-M8e

Y Mon
Period: 227.9, Epoch: 2440637
Mag at max: 9.1 ±0.3 (8.5-10.9)
Spectral type: M4e-M8.2e

RR Mon
Period: 394.7, Epoch: 2440290
Mag at max: 9.8 ±0.7 (8.0-11.9)
Spectral type: S7,2e-S8,2e/M6-10

RS Mon
Period: 263.79, Epoch: 2438703
Mag at max: 9.9 ±0.3 (9.3-10.7)
Spectral type: M3e-M6e:

RX Mon
Period: 345.7, Epoch: 2435800
Mag at max: 9.3 ±0.6 (8.4-10.3)
Spectral type: M6e-M9

TT Mon
Period: 323.17, Epoch: 2438323
Mag at max: 8.5 ±0.5 (7.7-9.6)
Spectral type: M5e-M8

R Nor
Period: 507.5, Epoch: 2441874
Mag at max: 7.5 ±0.4 (6.8-9.1)
Spectral type: M3e-M6II

T Nor
Period: 240.7, Epoch: 2440976
Mag at max: 7.5 ±0.5 (6.4-8.8)
Spectral type: M3e-M6e

R Oct
Period: 405.39, Epoch: 2441985
Mag at max: 8 ±0.4 (7.0-9.4)
Spectral type: M5.5e

S Oct
Period: 259, Epoch: 2442032
Mag at max: 8.3 ±0.5 (7.0-9.5)
Spectral type: M4(II)e-M5e

T Oct
Period: 218.5, Epoch: 2439504
Mag at max: 9.1 ±0.5 (7.6-10.5)
Spectral type: M2e-M4(II:)e

U Oct
Period: 308.44, Epoch: 2441915
Mag at max: 8.2 ±0.4 (7.3-9.9)
Spectral type: M4e-M6(II-III)e

R Oph
Period: 306.5, Epoch: 2445234
Mag at max: 7.6 ±0.3 (6.8-8.5)
Spectral type: M4e-M6e

S Oph
Period: 233.51, Epoch: 2442247
Mag at max: 9.7 ±0.5 (8.5-11.1)
Spectral type: M5e

T Oph
Period: 366.82, Epoch: 2441874
Mag at max: 9.9 ±0.5 (8.8-11.0)
Spectral type: M6.5e

V Oph
Period: 297.21, Epoch: 2445071
Mag at max: 7.8 ±0.3 (6.9-8.6)
Spectral type: C5,2-C7,4e(N3e)

W Oph
Period: 332.68, Epoch: 2438414
Mag at max: 10.1 ±0.4 (9.2-11.3)
Spectral type: M8e

X Oph
Period: 328.85, Epoch: 2444729
Mag at max: 6.9 ±0.2 (6.4-7.6)
Spectral type: M5e-M9e

Z Oph
Period: 348.7, Epoch: 2442238
Mag at max: 8.3 ±0.3 (7.6-9.6)
Spectral type: K3ep-M7.5e

RR Oph
Period: 292.03, Epoch: 2443184
Mag at max: 9 ±0.5 (8.1-11.0)
Spectral type: M3e-M7

RT Oph
Period: 426.34, Epoch: 2442630
Mag at max: 9.8 ±0.4 (8.6-11.3)
Spectral type: M7e(C)

RU Oph
Period: 202.29, Epoch: 2440445
Mag at max: 9.3 ±0.4 (8.6-10.7)
Spectral type: M3e-M5e

RY Oph
Period: 150.41, Epoch: 2445205
Mag at max: 8.4 ±0.4 (7.5-9.9)
Spectral type: M3e-M6e

SS Oph
Period: 180.64, Epoch: 2444729
Mag at max: 8.7 ±0.3 (7.7-9.7)
Spectral type: M5e

AY Oph
Period: 195.27, Epoch: 2442151
Mag at max: 10.9 ±0.2 (10.5-11.5)
Spectral type:

BC Oph
Period: 307.11, Epoch: 2442895
Mag at max: 9.5 ±0.4 (8.7-10.5)
Spectral type: M6e

V0450 Oph
Period: 158.3, Epoch: 2440464
Mag at max: 11.1 ±0.3 (10.6-11.8)
Spectral type:

R Ori
Period: 377.1, Epoch: 2441391
Mag at max: 9.6 ±0.3 (9.2-11.0)
Spectral type: C8,2e(Ne)

S Ori
Period: 414.3, Epoch: 2443945
Mag at max: 8.3 ±0.4 (7.4-9.7)
Spectral type: M6.5e-M9.5e

U Ori
Period: 368.3, Epoch: 2445254
Mag at max: 6.5 ±0.5 (5.4-7.5)
Spectral type: M6e-M9.5e

V Ori
Period: 263.7, Epoch: 2439082
Mag at max: 9.5 ±0.3 (8.8-10.5)
Spectral type: M3e-M8.0e

RR Ori
Period: 251.78, Epoch: 2444240
Mag at max: 10 ±0.3 (9.4-10.8)
Spectral type: M6.5e-M8