O-C diagram of Mira stars

Here are O-C diagrams for a selection of Mira stars. The diagrams shows the cycle number (E) on the x-axis and O-C in days on the y-axis. The red dots are maxima that are fitted from observations, the lightblue are maxima published by AAVSO and the darkblue are maxima collected from various other published sources. The fitted maxima are based on observation data from AAVSO, AFOEV, VSOLJ, BAA/VSS, ASAS-SN and DASCH and calculated by using a mean lightcurve for each star. The mean lightcurves used can be found here. For a maxima to be recognized it had to fulfil these criteria:
- At least 12 observations around the maximum.
- At least 5 observations before and 5 observations after the peak observation.
- At least an amplitude of 1.5 magnitudes between the peak observation and the observations before and after.
- Only observations in a span of 80% of the variable's period around the peak observation is used.
When a maximum fulfilling the criteria was found the mean lightcurve was fitted to the observations and the time and magnitude was noted. A preliminary O-C was then calculated by using the elements from GCVS4. In some cases a manual correction of the O-C was needed if the O-C is out of phase with more than a half cycle. From these O-C values an adjusted mean period and epoch was derived and new O-C values were calculated and plotted in the diagrams below.
The AAVSO maxima have been adjusted with a fixed offset for each star to get the datasets in line with each other.

By clicking on the graph a table with the underlying data is presented.

Under each graph are some data about the star and the diagram.
The 1st row shows the new mean period and epoch. LC is a link to the mean lightcurve for the star. Avg is a link to a smoothened O-C diagram constructed by using a moving average of 7 points around each point in the original diagram. Per is a link to a diagram that shows the star's period over time.
The 2nd row shows the result of an linear fit to the GCVS4 O-C values. ΔP is the slope in days/cycle. The GCVS4 period is added by this amount to get the new mean period. The ± is the standard error for the coefficient. t: is the t-statistics (ΔP / standard error) and suggest the significance of the linear fit, r2: shows the coefficient of determination for the fit. ΔEpoch is the interception point with the y-axis. The GCVS4 epoch is adjusted by this amount to get the new mean epoch.
The 3rd row shows the same thing but for a parabolic fit. A parabolic O-C diagram suggest that the period is changing in a steady pace and ΔP/C shows the amount in days per cycle that best fit the diagram. Care should be taken not to overestimate this information as most O-C diagram shows a lot of random scatter in the period that can create false relations. Stars with a high value of t: and a r2: near 1 could be candidates for Miras with a continuous changing period.
The colour for ΔP and ΔP/C is red for t: <5 and green for t: >= 5 to easier see where there is a high statistically significance. ΔP and ΔP/C is also clickable. ΔP shows a diagram with the original GCVS4 elements and ΔP/C shows the residuals when the parabolic part of the curve is removed.
The 4th row shows the mean magnitude at max ± standard deviation. The extreme values are showed within parentheses.
The 5th row shows the original period and epoch from GCVS4.
The 6th row shows the spectral type from GCVS4.
The 7th and 8th row is the result of the Eddington/Plakidis test. Before the test is made the linear component of the diagram is removed and is then done with X<=15 and X<=5. This test is to see if the changes in the O-C is likely due to small random cycle-to-cycle fluctuations or a real change of the period. See Irregularities of period of long-period variable stars for more information about this test. In short ε is the average random error in the period and a is the average error in determine the time for maximum. The star falls outside the test if the term 2a2 have a big negative value and could be a sign of real period changes.

From the O-C the period of the stars over time were also calculated and plotted and can be found here. The diagrams are the same as the link Per under each star, but on a separate page.

And - CMi
Cap - Cyg
Del - Hyi
Ind - Ori
Pav - Vul

R Ind
Mean period: 216.46, Mean epoch: 2441803.8    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: 0.2 ±0.02 (t:10.8, r2:0.37), ΔEpoch: 2.8
ΔP/C: 0.006 ±0 (t:12.2, r2:0.431)
Mag at max: 9.1 ±0.5 (7.5-11.1)
GCVS period: 216.26, GCVS epoch: 2441801
GCVS spectral type: M2e-M4(II)e
E/P (X=15) ε2: 8.4, 2a2: 12, r2: 0.98
E/P (X=5) ε2: 4.4, 2a2: 26, r2: 0.944

S Ind
Mean period: 400.22, Mean epoch: 2439794.7    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: 0.27 ±0.07 (t:4, r2:0.131), ΔEpoch: 15.7
ΔP/C: 0.03 ±0.003 (t:9.5, r2:0.457)
Mag at max: 8.4 ±0.5 (7.4-9.9)
GCVS period: 399.95, GCVS epoch: 2439779
GCVS spectral type: M6e-M8eII-Ib:
E/P (X=15) ε2: 42.8, 2a2: -52.7, r2: 0.99
E/P (X=5) ε2: 27.2, 2a2: 0.2, r2: 0.978

R Lac
Mean period: 300.35, Mean epoch: 2441554.9    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: 0.49 ±0.04 (t:13.1, r2:0.521), ΔEpoch: 28.9
ΔP/C: 0.015 ±0.001 (t:14.9, r2:0.585)
Mag at max: 9.3 ±0.4 (8.1-11.4)
GCVS period: 299.86, GCVS epoch: 2441526
GCVS spectral type: M5e-M8.5e
E/P (X=15) ε2: 20, 2a2: -9, r2: 0.984
E/P (X=5) ε2: 11.9, 2a2: 20.1, r2: 0.99

S Lac
Mean period: 240.06, Mean epoch: 2443815.9    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: -1.44 ±0.03 (t:45.3, r2:0.915), ΔEpoch: 11.9
ΔP/C: 0.001 ±0.001 (t:1.1, r2:0.007)
Mag at max: 8.3 ±0.3 (7.7-9.1)
GCVS period: 241.5, GCVS epoch: 2443804
GCVS spectral type: M4e-M8.2e
E/P (X=15) ε2: 33.1, 2a2: -49.3, r2: 0.967
E/P (X=5) ε2: 20.9, 2a2: 2.1, r2: 1

R Leo
Mean period: 312.42, Mean epoch: 2444191.6    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: 2.47 ±0.03 (t:71, r2:0.961), ΔEpoch: 27.6
ΔP/C: -0.008 ±0.001 (t:12.2, r2:0.426)
Mag at max: 5.8 ±0.3 (5.1-6.7)
GCVS period: 309.95, GCVS epoch: 2444164
GCVS spectral type: M6e-M8IIIe-M9.5e
E/P (X=15) ε2: 42.2, 2a2: -54.1, r2: 0.982
E/P (X=5) ε2: 29, 2a2: -1.3, r2: 0.991

S Leo
Mean period: 189.57, Mean epoch: 2443581.6    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: -0.59 ±0.01 (t:46.1, r2:0.896), ΔEpoch: -9.4
ΔP/C: 0.002 ±0 (t:8.4, r2:0.222)
Mag at max: 10.2 ±0.4 (9.5-11.8)
GCVS period: 190.16, GCVS epoch: 2443591
GCVS spectral type: M3e-M6e:
E/P (X=15) ε2: 10.2, 2a2: 17.8, r2: 0.993
E/P (X=5) ε2: 9.4, 2a2: 20.7, r2: 0.906

V Leo
Mean period: 273.40, Mean epoch: 2442706.0    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: 0.05 ±0.02 (t:3.5, r2:0.071), ΔEpoch: 0
ΔP/C: 0 ±0.001 (t:0.3, r2:0.001)
Mag at max: 9.2 ±0.4 (8.4-10.4)
GCVS period: 273.35, GCVS epoch: 2442706
GCVS spectral type: M5e
E/P (X=15) ε2: 9, 2a2: 31.2, r2: 0.966
E/P (X=5) ε2: 12, 2a2: 19.1, r2: 0.987

W Leo
Mean period: 387.17, Mean epoch: 2443622.5    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: -4.58 ±0.09 (t:51.1, r2:0.957), ΔEpoch: -4.5
ΔP/C: 0.031 ±0.005 (t:6.8, r2:0.284)
Mag at max: 10 ±0.5 (8.6-11.4)
GCVS period: 391.75, GCVS epoch: 2443627
GCVS spectral type: M5.5e-M7e
E/P (X=15) ε2: 83.4, 2a2: -58.7, r2: 0.991
E/P (X=5) ε2: 57.7, 2a2: 27.4, r2: 0.994

RS Leo
Mean period: 208.04, Mean epoch: 2444998.5    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: -0.16 ±0.02 (t:8.7, r2:0.359), ΔEpoch: -21.5
ΔP/C: -0.005 ±0.001 (t:8.4, r2:0.345)
Mag at max: 10.3 ±0.3 (9.7-11.1)
GCVS period: 208.2, GCVS epoch: 2445020
GCVS spectral type: M5e
E/P (X=15) ε2: 11.6, 2a2: 15.1, r2: 0.954
E/P (X=5) ε2: 11.5, 2a2: 10.4, r2: 0.988

Leo Minor
Mean period: 372.73, Mean epoch: 2445126.2    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: 0.54 ±0.06 (t:9.1, r2:0.372), ΔEpoch: 32.2
ΔP/C: 0.023 ±0.002 (t:11.4, r2:0.484)
Mag at max: 7.4 ±0.5 (6.5-8.7)
GCVS period: 372.19, GCVS epoch: 2445094
GCVS spectral type: M6.5e-M9.0e(Tc:)
E/P (X=15) ε2: 48.1, 2a2: -41, r2: 0.993
E/P (X=5) ε2: 37.2, 2a2: -2.3, r2: 0.99

Mean period: 233.57, Mean epoch: 2445288.2    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: -0.26 ±0.02 (t:15.7, r2:0.585), ΔEpoch: -3.8
ΔP/C: -0.003 ±0.001 (t:4.3, r2:0.097)
Mag at max: 8.5 ±0.4 (7.6-9.8)
GCVS period: 233.83, GCVS epoch: 2445292
GCVS spectral type: M2.0e-M8.2e
E/P (X=15) ε2: 6.3, 2a2: 20, r2: 0.972
E/P (X=5) ε2: 5.1, 2a2: 24.2, r2: 0.786

R Lep
Mean period: 433.16, Mean epoch: 2442564.7    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: 6.09 ±0.24 (t:25.8, r2:0.843), ΔEpoch: 58.7
ΔP/C: 0.109 ±0.008 (t:14.3, r2:0.624)
Mag at max: 7.4 ±0.8 (6.3-9.3)
GCVS period: 427.07, GCVS epoch: 2442506
GCVS spectral type: C7,6e(N6e)
E/P (X=15) ε2: 513.2, 2a2: -1067.6, r2: 0.966
E/P (X=5) ε2: 242.4, 2a2: -47.7, r2: 0.991

T Lep
Mean period: 369.03, Mean epoch: 2441888.4    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: 0.9 ±0.06 (t:14.5, r2:0.62), ΔEpoch: 44.4
ΔP/C: 0.021 ±0.003 (t:6.6, r2:0.253)
Mag at max: 8.4 ±0.4 (7.3-10.4)
GCVS period: 368.13, GCVS epoch: 2441844
GCVS spectral type: M6e-M9e
E/P (X=15) ε2: 82, 2a2: -14.1, r2: 0.982
E/P (X=5) ε2: 88.9, 2a2: -58, r2: 0.98

X Lep
Mean period: 277.74, Mean epoch: 2438691.6    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: -1.07 ±0.06 (t:17.3, r2:0.736), ΔEpoch: -52.4
ΔP/C: -0.024 ±0.002 (t:12.2, r2:0.584)
Mag at max: 9.4 ±0.3 (8.8-10.1)
GCVS period: 278.81, GCVS epoch: 2438744
GCVS spectral type: M7e
E/P (X=15) ε2: 51.5, 2a2: -105.7, r2: 0.924
E/P (X=5) ε2: 22.8, 2a2: 8.2, r2: 0.973

R Lib
Mean period: 242.05, Mean epoch: 2439245.5    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: 0.2 ±0.03 (t:6.1, r2:0.185), ΔEpoch: 24.5
ΔP/C: 0.006 ±0.001 (t:7.7, r2:0.267)
Mag at max: 10.8 ±0.6 (9.5-12.9)
GCVS period: 241.85, GCVS epoch: 2439221
GCVS spectral type: M5e
E/P (X=15) ε2: 18.6, 2a2: 2.6, r2: 0.967
E/P (X=5) ε2: 13.5, 2a2: 25, r2: 0.903

S Lib
Mean period: 193.08, Mean epoch: 2441928.5    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: 0.18 ±0.02 (t:7.6, r2:0.194), ΔEpoch: 45.5
ΔP/C: 0.006 ±0.001 (t:11.6, r2:0.364)
Mag at max: 8.6 ±0.3 (8.0-9.4)
GCVS period: 192.9, GCVS epoch: 2441883
GCVS spectral type: M1.0e-M6.0e
E/P (X=15) ε2: 32.2, 2a2: -11.6, r2: 0.985
E/P (X=5) ε2: 25.6, 2a2: 17.4, r2: 0.988

T Lib
Mean period: 237.85, Mean epoch: 2438490.8    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: 0.35 ±0.02 (t:19.8, r2:0.7), ΔEpoch: 16.8
ΔP/C: 0.002 ±0.001 (t:2.4, r2:0.034)
Mag at max: 11.1 ±0.5 (9.2-12.9)
GCVS period: 237.5, GCVS epoch: 2438474
GCVS spectral type: M4e-M5.5e
E/P (X=15) ε2: 11, 2a2: 23.5, r2: 0.984
E/P (X=5) ε2: 11, 2a2: 24, r2: 0.99

U Lib
Mean period: 227.06, Mean epoch: 2439139.6    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: 0.47 ±0.02 (t:18.8, r2:0.665), ΔEpoch: 15.6
ΔP/C: 0.007 ±0.001 (t:10.4, r2:0.376)
Mag at max: 9.7 ±0.4 (9.0-11.0)
GCVS period: 226.59, GCVS epoch: 2439124
GCVS spectral type: M3e-M8.0e
E/P (X=15) ε2: 14.5, 2a2: -1, r2: 0.989
E/P (X=5) ε2: 10.1, 2a2: 13.1, r2: 0.95

V Lib
Mean period: 255.63, Mean epoch: 2439230.9    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: 0.33 ±0.02 (t:20, r2:0.708), ΔEpoch: 16.9
ΔP/C: 0.006 ±0 (t:12.3, r2:0.478)
Mag at max: 9.9 ±0.5 (8.5-11.2)
GCVS period: 255.3, GCVS epoch: 2439214
GCVS spectral type: M5e-M8.0e
E/P (X=15) ε2: 4.7, 2a2: 26.1, r2: 0.906
E/P (X=5) ε2: 6, 2a2: 21.3, r2: 0.742

W Lib
Mean period: 203.93, Mean epoch: 2438949.2    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: -1.57 ±0.03 (t:55.5, r2:0.947), ΔEpoch: 4.2
ΔP/C: 0.01 ±0.001 (t:16.5, r2:0.612)
Mag at max: 11.4 ±0.5 (10.4-12.9)
GCVS period: 205.5, GCVS epoch: 2438945
GCVS spectral type:
E/P (X=15) ε2: 12.3, 2a2: 25.3, r2: 0.992
E/P (X=5) ε2: 12, 2a2: 28.3, r2: 0.964

X Lib
Mean period: 164.57, Mean epoch: 2438452.4    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: 0.19 ±0.02 (t:8.8, r2:0.249), ΔEpoch: -17.6
ΔP/C: -0.003 ±0.001 (t:5.6, r2:0.117)
Mag at max: 11.1 ±0.5 (10.0-12.6)
GCVS period: 164.38, GCVS epoch: 2438470
GCVS spectral type: M4e
E/P (X=15) ε2: 25.4, 2a2: -17.1, r2: 0.978
E/P (X=5) ε2: 19.1, 2a2: 10.9, r2: 0.992

Y Lib
Mean period: 275.84, Mean epoch: 2444035.6    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: 0.14 ±0.04 (t:3.6, r2:0.075), ΔEpoch: 18.6
ΔP/C: 0.019 ±0.001 (t:23.2, r2:0.768)
Mag at max: 8.7 ±0.4 (7.5-10.6)
GCVS period: 275.7, GCVS epoch: 2444017
GCVS spectral type: M5e-M8.2e
E/P (X=15) ε2: 14.3, 2a2: 5.1, r2: 0.989
E/P (X=5) ε2: 9.7, 2a2: 20.7, r2: 0.902

RR Lib
Mean period: 277.45, Mean epoch: 2438795.0    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: 0.44 ±0.03 (t:13.3, r2:0.529), ΔEpoch: 11
ΔP/C: 0.012 ±0.001 (t:10.6, r2:0.42)
Mag at max: 8.7 ±0.4 (7.9-10.6)
GCVS period: 277.01, GCVS epoch: 2438784
GCVS spectral type: M4e-M8e
E/P (X=15) ε2: 29.1, 2a2: -10.6, r2: 0.986
E/P (X=5) ε2: 20.2, 2a2: 21.9, r2: 0.993

RS Lib
Mean period: 218.05, Mean epoch: 2442151.0    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: 0.4 ±0.02 (t:17.9, r2:0.609), ΔEpoch: -3
ΔP/C: 0.007 ±0.001 (t:11, r2:0.373)
Mag at max: 7.7 ±0.3 (6.7-9.5)
GCVS period: 217.65, GCVS epoch: 2442154
GCVS spectral type: M7e-M8.5e
E/P (X=15) ε2: 17.5, 2a2: -2.2, r2: 0.979
E/P (X=5) ε2: 12.1, 2a2: 19.8, r2: 0.994

RT Lib
Mean period: 251.44, Mean epoch: 2439200.2    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: 0.28 ±0.02 (t:13.4, r2:0.515), ΔEpoch: 7.2
ΔP/C: 0.003 ±0.001 (t:3.9, r2:0.081)
Mag at max: 8.9 ±0.4 (8.0-10.4)
GCVS period: 251.16, GCVS epoch: 2439193
GCVS spectral type: M2.5pe-M8.2e
E/P (X=15) ε2: 14.3, 2a2: 11.1, r2: 0.99
E/P (X=5) ε2: 12.3, 2a2: 14.9, r2: 0.956

RU Lib
Mean period: 316.55, Mean epoch: 2441855.4    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: -0.01 ±0.04 (t:0.4, r2:0.001), ΔEpoch: 15.4
ΔP/C: -0.008 ±0.002 (t:4.1, r2:0.108)
Mag at max: 8.2 ±0.4 (7.3-9.4)
GCVS period: 316.56, GCVS epoch: 2441840
GCVS spectral type: M5e-M6e
E/P (X=15) ε2: 52.1, 2a2: -58.4, r2: 0.986
E/P (X=5) ε2: 30.1, 2a2: 14.3, r2: 0.961

SX Lib
Mean period: 332.62, Mean epoch: 2441878.6    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: -0.28 ±0.05 (t:5.8, r2:0.312), ΔEpoch: -21.4
ΔP/C: -0.016 ±0.002 (t:7.8, r2:0.454)
Mag at max: 10.1 ±0.6 (8.9-11.2)
GCVS period: 332.9, GCVS epoch: 2441900
GCVS spectral type: M6e:
E/P (X=15) ε2: 26.8, 2a2: 31.3, r2: 0.956
E/P (X=5) ε2: 25.1, 2a2: 35.2, r2: 0.908

R Lup
Mean period: 234.90, Mean epoch: 2440817.2    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: -0.72 ±0.03 (t:22.5, r2:0.741), ΔEpoch: -22.8
ΔP/C: 0.002 ±0.001 (t:1.8, r2:0.018)
Mag at max: 9.9 ±0.3 (8.9-10.7)
GCVS period: 235.62, GCVS epoch: 2440840
GCVS spectral type: M5e
E/P (X=15) ε2: 18.9, 2a2: -8.9, r2: 0.959
E/P (X=5) ε2: 15.6, 2a2: 9.3, r2: 1

S Lup
Mean period: 342.85, Mean epoch: 2441777.1    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: 3.12 ±0.04 (t:70.8, r2:0.978), ΔEpoch: 15.1
ΔP/C: 0.01 ±0.002 (t:4.6, r2:0.154)
Mag at max: 8.8 ±0.4 (7.7-9.9)
GCVS period: 339.73, GCVS epoch: 2441762
GCVS spectral type: Se
E/P (X=15) ε2: 34.2, 2a2: 37.7, r2: 0.982
E/P (X=5) ε2: 36.4, 2a2: 35, r2: 0.987

Y Lup
Mean period: 401.80, Mean epoch: 2441531.1    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: 4.98 ±0.07 (t:68.2, r2:0.979), ΔEpoch: 11.1
ΔP/C: 0.017 ±0.005 (t:3.6, r2:0.116)
Mag at max: 10 ±0.5 (8.7-11.2)
GCVS period: 396.82, GCVS epoch: 2441520
GCVS spectral type: M7e
E/P (X=15) ε2: 63.4, 2a2: 90.5, r2: 0.903
E/P (X=5) ε2: 84.1, 2a2: -26.7, r2: 0.976

R Lyn
Mean period: 378.40, Mean epoch: 2445160.8    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: -0.35 ±0.03 (t:10.7, r2:0.449), ΔEpoch: -14.2
ΔP/C: -0.008 ±0.002 (t:4.9, r2:0.148)
Mag at max: 8.1 ±0.3 (7.2-9.2)
GCVS period: 378.75, GCVS epoch: 2445175
GCVS spectral type: S2.5,5e-S6,8e:
E/P (X=15) ε2: 15.4, 2a2: 80, r2: 0.923
E/P (X=5) ε2: 18.7, 2a2: 60.2, r2: 0.815

S Lyn
Mean period: 297.49, Mean epoch: 2444965.1    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: 1.15 ±0.05 (t:25.5, r2:0.813), ΔEpoch: -0.9
ΔP/C: -0.015 ±0.002 (t:7.7, r2:0.286)
Mag at max: 9.6 ±0.4 (8.5-10.5)
GCVS period: 296.34, GCVS epoch: 2444966
GCVS spectral type: M6e-M8.2e
E/P (X=15) ε2: 39.3, 2a2: -46, r2: 0.985
E/P (X=5) ε2: 23.4, 2a2: 11.3, r2: 0.997

T Lyn
Mean period: 412.08, Mean epoch: 2443154.6    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: 6.08 ±0.32 (t:19.1, r2:0.785), ΔEpoch: -45.4
ΔP/C: -0.208 ±0.005 (t:38.3, r2:0.937)
Mag at max: 9.5 ±0.5 (8.6-11.1)
GCVS period: 406, GCVS epoch: 2443200
GCVS spectral type: C5,2e-C7,1e(NOe)
E/P (X=15) ε2: 444.5, 2a2: -1004.2, r2: 0.957
E/P (X=5) ε2: 218.7, 2a2: -120.7, r2: 0.979

U Lyn
Mean period: 435.82, Mean epoch: 2445095.2    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: 2.22 ±0.09 (t:23.7, r2:0.845), ΔEpoch: -15.8
ΔP/C: -0.016 ±0.007 (t:2.4, r2:0.053)
Mag at max: 9.8 ±0.4 (8.9-10.9)
GCVS period: 433.6, GCVS epoch: 2445111
GCVS spectral type: M7e-M9.5:e
E/P (X=15) ε2: 165, 2a2: -334, r2: 0.978
E/P (X=5) ε2: 90.7, 2a2: -59.9, r2: 0.978

W Lyn
Mean period: 294.69, Mean epoch: 2442033.3    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: -0.51 ±0.02 (t:22.8, r2:0.837), ΔEpoch: -16.7
ΔP/C: -0.003 ±0.001 (t:2.6, r2:0.064)
Mag at max: 10.2 ±0.4 (9.4-11.0)
GCVS period: 295.2, GCVS epoch: 2442050
GCVS spectral type: M6
E/P (X=15) ε2: 7.8, 2a2: 39.8, r2: 0.869
E/P (X=5) ε2: 7.8, 2a2: 33.2, r2: 0.658

X Lyn
Mean period: 321.29, Mean epoch: 2445075.7    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: 0.49 ±0.07 (t:7.4, r2:0.36), ΔEpoch: 30.7
ΔP/C: 0.026 ±0.003 (t:8.7, r2:0.443)
Mag at max: 10.2 ±0.4 (9.5-11.1)
GCVS period: 320.8, GCVS epoch: 2445045
GCVS spectral type: M5e
E/P (X=15) ε2: 48.1, 2a2: -44.1, r2: 0.972
E/P (X=5) ε2: 32.4, 2a2: 10.1, r2: 0.962

S Lyr
Mean period: 438.05, Mean epoch: 2442898.0    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: -0.35 ±0.07 (t:4.9, r2:0.186), ΔEpoch: -26
ΔP/C: -0.016 ±0.005 (t:3.2, r2:0.092)
Mag at max: 11 ±0.7 (9.0-12.2)
GCVS period: 438.4, GCVS epoch: 2442924
GCVS spectral type: SCe
E/P (X=15) ε2: 64.1, 2a2: 57.2, r2: 0.954
E/P (X=5) ε2: 70.5, 2a2: -0.1, r2: 0.985

U Lyr
Mean period: 455.06, Mean epoch: 2442528.7    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: 3.34 ±0.12 (t:27.9, r2:0.891), ΔEpoch: 36.7
ΔP/C: -0.058 ±0.007 (t:8.2, r2:0.417)
Mag at max: 9.7 ±0.5 (8.3-11.3)
GCVS period: 451.72, GCVS epoch: 2442492
GCVS spectral type: C4,5e(N0e)
E/P (X=15) ε2: 112.4, 2a2: 18.7, r2: 0.966
E/P (X=5) ε2: 54.3, 2a2: 216.8, r2: 0.832

V Lyr
Mean period: 373.94, Mean epoch: 2445239.9    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: 0.41 ±0.06 (t:6.6, r2:0.263), ΔEpoch: 30.9
ΔP/C: 0.025 ±0.003 (t:8.2, r2:0.355)
Mag at max: 10 ±0.6 (8.5-12.2)
GCVS period: 373.53, GCVS epoch: 2445209
GCVS spectral type: M7e
E/P (X=15) ε2: 30, 2a2: 44.7, r2: 0.98
E/P (X=5) ε2: 33.1, 2a2: 28.7, r2: 0.991

W Lyr
Mean period: 196.72, Mean epoch: 2445087.3    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: -1.16 ±0.02 (t:57.2, r2:0.933), ΔEpoch: 3.3
ΔP/C: 0.005 ±0.001 (t:9.8, r2:0.292)
Mag at max: 8 ±0.3 (7.2-8.8)
GCVS period: 197.88, GCVS epoch: 2445084
GCVS spectral type: M2e-M8e
E/P (X=15) ε2: 20.4, 2a2: -21.1, r2: 0.985
E/P (X=5) ε2: 12.5, 2a2: 7.3, r2: 0.987

Z Lyr
Mean period: 288.27, Mean epoch: 2445235.0    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: -3.43 ±0.05 (t:65.3, r2:0.966), ΔEpoch: -31
ΔP/C: 0.007 ±0.003 (t:2.7, r2:0.048)
Mag at max: 10.2 ±0.3 (9.3-11.4)
GCVS period: 291.7, GCVS epoch: 2445266
GCVS spectral type: M4e-M5.5:e
E/P (X=15) ε2: 106.5, 2a2: -205.3, r2: 0.982
E/P (X=5) ε2: 62.3, 2a2: -44.4, r2: 0.979

RS Lyr
Mean period: 304.50, Mean epoch: 2442912.2    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: 3.09 ±0.09 (t:34.9, r2:0.9), ΔEpoch: -6.8
ΔP/C: -0.024 ±0.004 (t:5.6, r2:0.19)
Mag at max: 10.5 ±0.3 (9.2-11.8)
GCVS period: 301.41, GCVS epoch: 2442919
GCVS spectral type: M5e
E/P (X=15) ε2: 113.8, 2a2: -225.4, r2: 0.971
E/P (X=5) ε2: 60.9, 2a2: -24.8, r2: 0.994

RT Lyr
Mean period: 252.10, Mean epoch: 2445136.6    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: -1.6 ±0.05 (t:29.3, r2:0.838), ΔEpoch: 17.6
ΔP/C: 0.027 ±0.001 (t:26.9, r2:0.814)
Mag at max: 10.3 ±0.4 (9.1-11.9)
GCVS period: 253.7, GCVS epoch: 2445119
GCVS spectral type: M5e
E/P (X=15) ε2: 36.2, 2a2: -64.6, r2: 0.954
E/P (X=5) ε2: 18.1, 2a2: 8.5, r2: 0.994

RU Lyr
Mean period: 368.71, Mean epoch: 2445141.7    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: -3.13 ±0.07 (t:41.9, r2:0.934), ΔEpoch: 20.7
ΔP/C: -0.007 ±0.004 (t:1.5, r2:0.019)
Mag at max: 10.7 ±0.4 (9.4-11.8)
GCVS period: 371.84, GCVS epoch: 2445121
GCVS spectral type: M6e:-M8e
E/P (X=15) ε2: 85.3, 2a2: -138.3, r2: 0.981
E/P (X=5) ε2: 43.6, 2a2: 6.3, r2: 0.943

RW Lyr
Mean period: 502.89, Mean epoch: 2444482.3    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: -0.86 ±0.14 (t:6.2, r2:0.311), ΔEpoch: -3.7
ΔP/C: 0.012 ±0.012 (t:1, r2:0.011)
Mag at max: 11.9 ±1 (9.5-13.5)
GCVS period: 503.75, GCVS epoch: 2444486
GCVS spectral type: M7e
E/P (X=15) ε2: 107.4, 2a2: 54.9, r2: 0.988
E/P (X=5) ε2: 56.9, 2a2: 200.3, r2: 0.951

RX Lyr
Mean period: 248.67, Mean epoch: 2444606.1    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: 0.85 ±0.02 (t:34.3, r2:0.869), ΔEpoch: 21.1
ΔP/C: -0.006 ±0.001 (t:6.2, r2:0.178)
Mag at max: 12 ±0.4 (10.9-12.9)
GCVS period: 247.82, GCVS epoch: 2444585
GCVS spectral type: Me
E/P (X=15) ε2: 14.3, 2a2: 8.7, r2: 0.988
E/P (X=5) ε2: 9.2, 2a2: 24.2, r2: 0.941

RY Lyr
Mean period: 325.89, Mean epoch: 2445330.8    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: 0.1 ±0.03 (t:3.3, r2:0.074), ΔEpoch: 24.8
ΔP/C: 0.001 ±0.002 (t:0.6, r2:0.002)
Mag at max: 9.9 ±0.4 (9.0-11.0)
GCVS period: 325.79, GCVS epoch: 2445306
GCVS spectral type: M5e-M6e
E/P (X=15) ε2: 25.6, 2a2: -4.9, r2: 0.996
E/P (X=5) ε2: 23.9, 2a2: -1.6, r2: 0.981

SS Lyr
Mean period: 350.23, Mean epoch: 2445123.0    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: 3.9 ±0.08 (t:49.1, r2:0.957), ΔEpoch: 33
ΔP/C: 0.023 ±0.005 (t:5, r2:0.188)
Mag at max: 10.1 ±0.4 (9.3-11.1)
GCVS period: 346.33, GCVS epoch: 2445090
GCVS spectral type: M5IIIe
E/P (X=15) ε2: 139.5, 2a2: -307.1, r2: 0.965
E/P (X=5) ε2: 61.1, 2a2: -19.2, r2: 0.99

ST Lyr
Mean period: 300.06, Mean epoch: 2444429.8    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: -0.44 ±0.04 (t:10.9, r2:0.557), ΔEpoch: -3.2
ΔP/C: -0.003 ±0.002 (t:1.4, r2:0.02)
Mag at max: 10.7 ±0.3 (10.1-11.4)
GCVS period: 300.5, GCVS epoch: 2444433
GCVS spectral type: M4IIIe
E/P (X=15) ε2: 36.3, 2a2: -22.4, r2: 0.966
E/P (X=5) ε2: 21.5, 2a2: 25.3, r2: 0.993

SU Lyr
Mean period: 420.34, Mean epoch: 2440809.5    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: 2.55 ±0.13 (t:19.2, r2:0.918), ΔEpoch: 14.5
ΔP/C: -0.055 ±0.02 (t:2.8, r2:0.195)
Mag at max: 13.6 ±0.7 (11.6-14.5)
GCVS period: 417.79, GCVS epoch: 2440795
GCVS spectral type:
E/P (X=15) ε2: 19.5, 2a2: 41.2, r2: 0.807
E/P (X=5) ε2: 25.6, 2a2: 28.7, r2: 0.943

TV Lyr
Mean period: 261.51, Mean epoch: 2438385.0    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: -0.8 ±0.05 (t:16.1, r2:0.73), ΔEpoch: -54
ΔP/C: -0.018 ±0.001 (t:12.9, r2:0.638)
Mag at max: 11.2 ±0.3 (10.6-12.0)
GCVS period: 262.31, GCVS epoch: 2438439
GCVS spectral type: M4e
E/P (X=15) ε2: 15.7, 2a2: 7.4, r2: 0.938
E/P (X=5) ε2: 5.5, 2a2: 41.3, r2: 0.826

TW Lyr
Mean period: 377.58, Mean epoch: 2443074.8    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: 0.87 ±0.08 (t:11.3, r2:0.591), ΔEpoch: 35.8
ΔP/C: 0.037 ±0.004 (t:10, r2:0.536)
Mag at max: 10.6 ±0.4 (9.9-11.6)
GCVS period: 376.71, GCVS epoch: 2443039
GCVS spectral type: M6
E/P (X=15) ε2: 61.5, 2a2: -62.4, r2: 0.978
E/P (X=5) ε2: 41.1, 2a2: 13.7, r2: 0.991

TY Lyr
Mean period: 334.96, Mean epoch: 2442713.9    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: 1.25 ±0.07 (t:18.6, r2:0.793), ΔEpoch: 36.9
ΔP/C: 0.032 ±0.003 (t:10, r2:0.532)
Mag at max: 10.1 ±0.4 (9.1-10.9)
GCVS period: 333.71, GCVS epoch: 2442677
GCVS spectral type: M8e
E/P (X=15) ε2: 49.1, 2a2: -61.3, r2: 0.975
E/P (X=5) ε2: 18.3, 2a2: 29.4, r2: 0.976

UV Lyr
Mean period: 235.26, Mean epoch: 2442342.9    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: 0.06 ±0.02 (t:2.7, r2:0.063), ΔEpoch: 1.9
ΔP/C: 0.001 ±0.001 (t:1.5, r2:0.021)
Mag at max: 11.1 ±0.5 (10.2-12.2)
GCVS period: 235.2, GCVS epoch: 2442341
GCVS spectral type:
E/P (X=15) ε2: 20.8, 2a2: -4.4, r2: 0.96
E/P (X=5) ε2: 11.9, 2a2: 28, r2: 0.884

VZ Lyr
Mean period: 245.25, Mean epoch: 2428034.7    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: -1.15 ±0.05 (t:23.9, r2:0.867), ΔEpoch: -17.3
ΔP/C: -0.016 ±0.001 (t:16, r2:0.747)
Mag at max: 11.2 ±0.4 (10.6-12.1)
GCVS period: 246.4, GCVS epoch: 2428052
GCVS spectral type: M
E/P (X=15) ε2: 12.8, 2a2: 19.9, r2: 0.974
E/P (X=5) ε2: 15.2, 2a2: 11, r2: 0.886

WZ Lyr
Mean period: 376.28, Mean epoch: 2444570.1    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: -0.36 ±0.05 (t:7.5, r2:0.369), ΔEpoch: 2.1
ΔP/C: -0.024 ±0.002 (t:10.3, r2:0.531)
Mag at max: 10.6 ±0.3 (10.0-11.4)
GCVS period: 376.64, GCVS epoch: 2444568
GCVS spectral type: M9e
E/P (X=15) ε2: 23.6, 2a2: -11.4, r2: 0.985
E/P (X=5) ε2: 18.8, 2a2: 10.1, r2: 0.996

AB Lyr
Mean period: 216.72, Mean epoch: 2439215.8    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: 0.22 ±0.01 (t:17.8, r2:0.705), ΔEpoch: 3.8
ΔP/C: -0 ±0 (t:1, r2:0.007)
Mag at max: 10.8 ±0.4 (10.2-11.8)
GCVS period: 216.5, GCVS epoch: 2439212
GCVS spectral type: M4e
E/P (X=15) ε2: 5.3, 2a2: 29.2, r2: 0.949
E/P (X=5) ε2: 5.3, 2a2: 26.9, r2: 0.746

AN Lyr
Mean period: 224.17, Mean epoch: 2437840.7    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: -0.03 ±0.04 (t:0.7, r2:0.004), ΔEpoch: -31.3
ΔP/C: -0.017 ±0.001 (t:20, r2:0.77)
Mag at max: 10.2 ±0.4 (9.3-11.8)
GCVS period: 224.2, GCVS epoch: 2437872
GCVS spectral type: M7e
E/P (X=15) ε2: 26.3, 2a2: -31.8, r2: 0.962
E/P (X=5) ε2: 15.9, 2a2: 9.1, r2: 0.937

EL Lyr
Mean period: 234.42, Mean epoch: 2435045.4    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: 0.32 ±0.05 (t:6.3, r2:0.31), ΔEpoch: 5.4
ΔP/C: 0.01 ±0.002 (t:5, r2:0.225)
Mag at max: 11.6 ±0.3 (11.1-12.4)
GCVS period: 234.1, GCVS epoch: 2435040
GCVS spectral type:
E/P (X=15) ε2: 29.9, 2a2: 20.9, r2: 0.878
E/P (X=5) ε2: 19, 2a2: 69.4, r2: 0.921

R Mic
Mean period: 138.83, Mean epoch: 2443329.2    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: 0.21 ±0.01 (t:17.3, r2:0.511), ΔEpoch: 18.2
ΔP/C: 0.002 ±0 (t:11, r2:0.3)
Mag at max: 9.3 ±0.3 (8.4-10.6)
GCVS period: 138.62, GCVS epoch: 2443311
GCVS spectral type: M4e
E/P (X=15) ε2: 8.4, 2a2: -2, r2: 0.985
E/P (X=5) ε2: 5.7, 2a2: 7.8, r2: 0.992

S Mic
Mean period: 208.80, Mean epoch: 2440462.4    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: -0.88 ±0.02 (t:55.2, r2:0.938), ΔEpoch: -22.6
ΔP/C: -0.003 ±0 (t:7.2, r2:0.205)
Mag at max: 9.2 ±0.5 (8.0-10.7)
GCVS period: 209.68, GCVS epoch: 2440485
GCVS spectral type: M3e-M5.5
E/P (X=15) ε2: 7.9, 2a2: 23.7, r2: 0.98
E/P (X=5) ε2: 5.9, 2a2: 30.5, r2: 0.848

U Mic
Mean period: 334.58, Mean epoch: 2439535.7    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: 0.29 ±0.03 (t:9.4, r2:0.399), ΔEpoch: -4.3
ΔP/C: 0.007 ±0.001 (t:5, r2:0.16)
Mag at max: 8.7 ±0.6 (7.7-10.5)
GCVS period: 334.29, GCVS epoch: 2439540
GCVS spectral type: M5e-M7e
E/P (X=15) ε2: 14.1, 2a2: 7.5, r2: 0.978
E/P (X=5) ε2: 10.5, 2a2: 15, r2: 0.974

V Mon
Mean period: 334.26, Mean epoch: 2444938.7    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: -6.24 ±0.04 (t:140.8, r2:0.993), ΔEpoch: -33.3
ΔP/C: -0.008 ±0.002 (t:3.5, r2:0.082)
Mag at max: 7.1 ±0.5 (6.0-10.3)
GCVS period: 340.5, GCVS epoch: 2444972
GCVS spectral type: M5e-M8e
E/P (X=15) ε2: 46.4, 2a2: -52.2, r2: 0.984
E/P (X=5) ε2: 30, 2a2: 9.8, r2: 0.994

Y Mon
Mean period: 229.85, Mean epoch: 2440629.1    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: 1.95 ±0.04 (t:44.2, r2:0.91), ΔEpoch: -7.9
ΔP/C: -0.018 ±0.001 (t:15, r2:0.539)
Mag at max: 9.1 ±0.3 (8.5-10.9)
GCVS period: 227.9, GCVS epoch: 2440637
GCVS spectral type: M4e-M8.2e
E/P (X=15) ε2: 38.7, 2a2: -67.2, r2: 0.964
E/P (X=5) ε2: 19.2, 2a2: 8, r2: 0.996

RR Mon
Mean period: 394.31, Mean epoch: 2440286.2    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: -0.39 ±0.06 (t:6.9, r2:0.309), ΔEpoch: -3.8
ΔP/C: 0.017 ±0.003 (t:5, r2:0.19)
Mag at max: 9.8 ±0.7 (8.0-11.9)
GCVS period: 394.7, GCVS epoch: 2440290
GCVS spectral type: S7,2e-S8,2e/M6-10
E/P (X=15) ε2: 28.1, 2a2: 56.2, r2: 0.962
E/P (X=5) ε2: 37, 2a2: 22.9, r2: 0.977

RS Mon
Mean period: 263.54, Mean epoch: 2438696.2    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: -0.25 ±0.02 (t:11.4, r2:0.556), ΔEpoch: -6.8
ΔP/C: -0.001 ±0.001 (t:0.5, r2:0.003)
Mag at max: 9.9 ±0.3 (9.3-10.7)
GCVS period: 263.79, GCVS epoch: 2438703
GCVS spectral type: M3e-M6e:
E/P (X=15) ε2: 20.7, 2a2: -8, r2: 0.936
E/P (X=5) ε2: 15.3, 2a2: 16.4, r2: 0.794

RX Mon
Mean period: 342.33, Mean epoch: 2435758.8    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: -3.37 ±0.07 (t:47.5, r2:0.957), ΔEpoch: -41.2
ΔP/C: -0.022 ±0.003 (t:6.9, r2:0.322)
Mag at max: 9.3 ±0.6 (8.4-10.3)
GCVS period: 345.7, GCVS epoch: 2435800
GCVS spectral type: M6e-M9
E/P (X=15) ε2: 70.5, 2a2: -91.9, r2: 0.939
E/P (X=5) ε2: 30.8, 2a2: 61.4, r2: 0.93

TT Mon
Mean period: 321.67, Mean epoch: 2438258.0    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: -1.5 ±0.06 (t:23.8, r2:0.858), ΔEpoch: -65
ΔP/C: -0.03 ±0.002 (t:14.8, r2:0.701)
Mag at max: 8.5 ±0.5 (7.7-9.6)
GCVS period: 323.17, GCVS epoch: 2438323
GCVS spectral type: M5e-M8
E/P (X=15) ε2: 46.1, 2a2: -61.9, r2: 0.958
E/P (X=5) ε2: 23.8, 2a2: 24.4, r2: 0.99

R Nor
Mean period: 495.92, Mean epoch: 2441829.9    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: -11.58 ±0.25 (t:45.6, r2:0.957), ΔEpoch: -44.1
ΔP/C: 0.158 ±0.008 (t:18.6, r2:0.79)
Mag at max: 7.5 ±0.4 (6.8-9.1)
GCVS period: 507.5, GCVS epoch: 2441874
GCVS spectral type: M3e-M6II
E/P (X=15) ε2: 312.3, 2a2: -299.4, r2: 0.994
E/P (X=5) ε2: 276.9, 2a2: -255, r2: 0.97

T Nor
Mean period: 242.69, Mean epoch: 2440975.5    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: 1.99 ±0.02 (t:86.4, r2:0.977), ΔEpoch: -0.5
ΔP/C: -0.003 ±0.001 (t:3.3, r2:0.061)
Mag at max: 7.5 ±0.5 (6.4-8.8)
GCVS period: 240.7, GCVS epoch: 2440976
GCVS spectral type: M3e-M6e
E/P (X=15) ε2: 18.6, 2a2: -14.8, r2: 0.985
E/P (X=5) ε2: 11, 2a2: 11.8, r2: 0.971

R Oct
Mean period: 405.50, Mean epoch: 2441992.7    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: 0.11 ±0.06 (t:1.8, r2:0.027), ΔEpoch: 7.7
ΔP/C: 0.018 ±0.004 (t:4.9, r2:0.173)
Mag at max: 8 ±0.4 (7.0-9.4)
GCVS period: 405.39, GCVS epoch: 2441985
GCVS spectral type: M5.5e
E/P (X=15) ε2: 45.3, 2a2: 10, r2: 0.981
E/P (X=5) ε2: 47.5, 2a2: -13.6, r2: 0.995

S Oct
Mean period: 258.87, Mean epoch: 2442022.7    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: -0.13 ±0.02 (t:8.5, r2:0.286), ΔEpoch: -9.3
ΔP/C: -0.004 ±0.001 (t:6.9, r2:0.213)
Mag at max: 8.3 ±0.5 (7.0-9.5)
GCVS period: 259, GCVS epoch: 2442032
GCVS spectral type: M4(II)e-M5e
E/P (X=15) ε2: 6.7, 2a2: 15.9, r2: 0.99
E/P (X=5) ε2: 7, 2a2: 13.5, r2: 0.989

T Oct
Mean period: 219.18, Mean epoch: 2439532.3    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: 0.68 ±0.03 (t:23.9, r2:0.759), ΔEpoch: 28.3
ΔP/C: 0.011 ±0 (t:22.9, r2:0.745)
Mag at max: 9.1 ±0.5 (7.6-10.5)
GCVS period: 218.5, GCVS epoch: 2439504
GCVS spectral type: M2e-M4(II:)e
E/P (X=15) ε2: 11.3, 2a2: 6.8, r2: 0.99
E/P (X=5) ε2: 8.4, 2a2: 17.2, r2: 0.942

U Oct
Mean period: 302.91, Mean epoch: 2441886.7    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: -5.53 ±0.03 (t:175.2, r2:0.995), ΔEpoch: -28.3
ΔP/C: 0.006 ±0.002 (t:3.8, r2:0.09)
Mag at max: 8.2 ±0.4 (7.3-9.9)
GCVS period: 308.44, GCVS epoch: 2441915
GCVS spectral type: M4e-M6(II-III)e
E/P (X=15) ε2: 36.5, 2a2: -31.3, r2: 0.997
E/P (X=5) ε2: 30, 2a2: -7.7, r2: 0.997

R Oph
Mean period: 302.96, Mean epoch: 2445214.5    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: -3.54 ±0.03 (t:110.6, r2:0.987), ΔEpoch: -19.5
ΔP/C: 0.012 ±0.001 (t:22.1, r2:0.752)
Mag at max: 7.6 ±0.3 (6.8-8.5)
GCVS period: 306.5, GCVS epoch: 2445234
GCVS spectral type: M4e-M6e
E/P (X=15) ε2: 18, 2a2: 1.1, r2: 0.993
E/P (X=5) ε2: 12.3, 2a2: 19, r2: 0.975

S Oph
Mean period: 233.72, Mean epoch: 2442257.9    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: 0.21 ±0.02 (t:11.6, r2:0.414), ΔEpoch: 10.9
ΔP/C: 0.004 ±0 (t:9.4, r2:0.316)
Mag at max: 9.7 ±0.5 (8.5-11.1)
GCVS period: 233.51, GCVS epoch: 2442247
GCVS spectral type: M5e
E/P (X=15) ε2: 19.2, 2a2: -4.2, r2: 0.973
E/P (X=5) ε2: 13.6, 2a2: 10.5, r2: 0.959

T Oph
Mean period: 366.66, Mean epoch: 2441866.6    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: -0.16 ±0.05 (t:3.2, r2:0.077), ΔEpoch: -7.4
ΔP/C: -0.007 ±0.002 (t:3.2, r2:0.079)
Mag at max: 9.9 ±0.5 (8.8-11.0)
GCVS period: 366.82, GCVS epoch: 2441874
GCVS spectral type: M6.5e
E/P (X=15) ε2: 59.1, 2a2: -72.1, r2: 0.989
E/P (X=5) ε2: 35.5, 2a2: -0.4, r2: 0.997

V Oph
Mean period: 297.83, Mean epoch: 2445073.8    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: 0.62 ±0.03 (t:19, r2:0.7), ΔEpoch: 2.8
ΔP/C: -0.008 ±0.001 (t:6.4, r2:0.209)
Mag at max: 7.8 ±0.3 (6.9-8.6)
GCVS period: 297.21, GCVS epoch: 2445071
GCVS spectral type: C5,2-C7,4e(N3e)
E/P (X=15) ε2: 14.5, 2a2: 81.2, r2: 0.923
E/P (X=5) ε2: 20.4, 2a2: 66.4, r2: 0.829

W Oph
Mean period: 331.09, Mean epoch: 2438374.4    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: -1.59 ±0.05 (t:29.1, r2:0.863), ΔEpoch: -39.6
ΔP/C: 0.013 ±0.003 (t:4.9, r2:0.15)
Mag at max: 10.1 ±0.4 (9.2-11.3)
GCVS period: 332.68, GCVS epoch: 2438414
GCVS spectral type: M8e
E/P (X=15) ε2: 73.6, 2a2: -119.7, r2: 0.985
E/P (X=5) ε2: 44, 2a2: -13.3, r2: 0.99

X Oph
Mean period: 333.59, Mean epoch: 2444799.3    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: 4.74 ±0.08 (t:59.2, r2:0.962), ΔEpoch: 70.3
ΔP/C: 0.001 ±0.004 (t:0.3, r2:0)
Mag at max: 6.9 ±0.2 (6.4-7.6)
GCVS period: 328.85, GCVS epoch: 2444729
GCVS spectral type: M5e-M9e
E/P (X=15) ε2: 110.5, 2a2: -184.5, r2: 0.982
E/P (X=5) ε2: 66, 2a2: -23.8, r2: 0.984

Z Oph
Mean period: 349.18, Mean epoch: 2442266.1    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: 0.48 ±0.05 (t:10.5, r2:0.453), ΔEpoch: 28.1
ΔP/C: 0.014 ±0.002 (t:6, r2:0.215)
Mag at max: 8.3 ±0.3 (7.6-9.6)
GCVS period: 348.7, GCVS epoch: 2442238
GCVS spectral type: K3ep-M7.5e
E/P (X=15) ε2: 33.3, 2a2: 65.1, r2: 0.987
E/P (X=5) ε2: 28.4, 2a2: 73.5, r2: 0.863

RR Oph
Mean period: 293.60, Mean epoch: 2443231.9    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: 1.57 ±0.06 (t:27.5, r2:0.834), ΔEpoch: 47.9
ΔP/C: 0.013 ±0.002 (t:6.4, r2:0.214)
Mag at max: 9 ±0.5 (8.1-11.0)
GCVS period: 292.03, GCVS epoch: 2443184
GCVS spectral type: M3e-M7
E/P (X=15) ε2: 38.9, 2a2: -41, r2: 0.979
E/P (X=5) ε2: 25.8, 2a2: 10.6, r2: 0.994

RT Oph
Mean period: 426.89, Mean epoch: 2442650.8    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: 0.55 ±0.09 (t:6, r2:0.264), ΔEpoch: 20.8
ΔP/C: 0.02 ±0.007 (t:3, r2:0.084)
Mag at max: 9.8 ±0.4 (8.6-11.3)
GCVS period: 426.34, GCVS epoch: 2442630
GCVS spectral type: M7e(C)
E/P (X=15) ε2: 83.5, 2a2: -124.7, r2: 0.969
E/P (X=5) ε2: 45.8, 2a2: 23.2, r2: 0.943

RU Oph
Mean period: 202.12, Mean epoch: 2440432.3    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: -0.17 ±0.02 (t:9.6, r2:0.3), ΔEpoch: -12.7
ΔP/C: -0.007 ±0 (t:16.8, r2:0.571)
Mag at max: 9.3 ±0.4 (8.6-10.7)
GCVS period: 202.29, GCVS epoch: 2440445
GCVS spectral type: M3e-M5e
E/P (X=15) ε2: 12.7, 2a2: 1.2, r2: 0.986
E/P (X=5) ε2: 8.1, 2a2: 15.9, r2: 0.956

RY Oph
Mean period: 150.43, Mean epoch: 2445195.1    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: 0.02 ±0.01 (t:2.7, r2:0.025), ΔEpoch: -9.9
ΔP/C: -0.001 ±0 (t:8.7, r2:0.214)
Mag at max: 8.4 ±0.4 (7.5-9.9)
GCVS period: 150.41, GCVS epoch: 2445205
GCVS spectral type: M3e-M6e
E/P (X=15) ε2: 2.5, 2a2: 10.2, r2: 0.977
E/P (X=5) ε2: 1.6, 2a2: 12.7, r2: 0.783

SS Oph
Mean period: 180.08, Mean epoch: 2444699.0    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: -0.56 ±0.01 (t:49, r2:0.912), ΔEpoch: -30
ΔP/C: -0.003 ±0 (t:8.8, r2:0.254)
Mag at max: 8.7 ±0.3 (7.7-9.7)
GCVS period: 180.64, GCVS epoch: 2444729
GCVS spectral type: M5e
E/P (X=15) ε2: 4.8, 2a2: 9.7, r2: 0.991
E/P (X=5) ε2: 3, 2a2: 14.9, r2: 0.986

AY Oph
Mean period: 194.90, Mean epoch: 2442132.9    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: -0.37 ±0.01 (t:31.4, r2:0.892), ΔEpoch: -18.1
ΔP/C: 0.001 ±0 (t:2.7, r2:0.056)
Mag at max: 10.9 ±0.2 (10.5-11.5)
GCVS period: 195.27, GCVS epoch: 2442151
GCVS spectral type:
E/P (X=15) ε2: 5, 2a2: 29.1, r2: 0.849
E/P (X=5) ε2: 4.8, 2a2: 29.8, r2: 0.531

BC Oph
Mean period: 307.80, Mean epoch: 2442921.8    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: 0.69 ±0.03 (t:26.3, r2:0.87), ΔEpoch: 26.8
ΔP/C: 0.006 ±0.001 (t:4.1, r2:0.141)
Mag at max: 9.5 ±0.4 (8.7-10.5)
GCVS period: 307.11, GCVS epoch: 2442895
GCVS spectral type: M6e
E/P (X=15) ε2: 13.5, 2a2: 11.3, r2: 0.992
E/P (X=5) ε2: 10.9, 2a2: 19.2, r2: 0.994

V0450 Oph
Mean period: 158.97, Mean epoch: 2440501.3    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: 0.67 ±0.02 (t:27.6, r2:0.857), ΔEpoch: 37.3
ΔP/C: 0.003 ±0.001 (t:4.3, r2:0.128)
Mag at max: 11.1 ±0.3 (10.6-11.8)
GCVS period: 158.3, GCVS epoch: 2440464
GCVS spectral type:
E/P (X=15) ε2: 15.2, 2a2: 8.2, r2: 0.901
E/P (X=5) ε2: 18, 2a2: 6, r2: 0.953

R Ori
Mean period: 378.77, Mean epoch: 2441448.4    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: 1.67 ±0.06 (t:26.9, r2:0.84), ΔEpoch: 57.4
ΔP/C: 0.024 ±0.002 (t:11.8, r2:0.503)
Mag at max: 9.6 ±0.3 (9.2-11.0)
GCVS period: 377.1, GCVS epoch: 2441391
GCVS spectral type: C8,2e(Ne)
E/P (X=15) ε2: 55.9, 2a2: -17.3, r2: 0.991
E/P (X=5) ε2: 40.2, 2a2: 34.9, r2: 0.969

S Ori
Mean period: 420.84, Mean epoch: 2443913.7    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: 6.54 ±0.23 (t:28.3, r2:0.868), ΔEpoch: -31.3
ΔP/C: 0.1 ±0.01 (t:10.2, r2:0.461)
Mag at max: 8.3 ±0.4 (7.4-9.7)
GCVS period: 414.3, GCVS epoch: 2443945
GCVS spectral type: M6.5e-M9.5e
E/P (X=15) ε2: 846.3, 2a2: -1955.3, r2: 0.973
E/P (X=5) ε2: 394.4, 2a2: -325, r2: 0.978

U Ori
Mean period: 371.84, Mean epoch: 2445236.2    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: 3.54 ±0.05 (t:69.2, r2:0.973), ΔEpoch: -17.8
ΔP/C: -0.018 ±0.003 (t:7, r2:0.272)
Mag at max: 6.5 ±0.5 (5.4-7.5)
GCVS period: 368.3, GCVS epoch: 2445254
GCVS spectral type: M6e-M9.5e
E/P (X=15) ε2: 63.1, 2a2: -63.5, r2: 0.994
E/P (X=5) ε2: 45.4, 2a2: -12.5, r2: 0.991

V Ori
Mean period: 267.87, Mean epoch: 2439103.1    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: 4.17 ±0.03 (t:139.1, r2:0.991), ΔEpoch: 21.1
ΔP/C: -0.004 ±0.001 (t:2.8, r2:0.046)
Mag at max: 9.5 ±0.3 (8.8-10.5)
GCVS period: 263.7, GCVS epoch: 2439082
GCVS spectral type: M3e-M8.0e
E/P (X=15) ε2: 35.7, 2a2: -37.9, r2: 0.983
E/P (X=5) ε2: 22.1, 2a2: 10.2, r2: 0.968

RR Ori
Mean period: 252.01, Mean epoch: 2444241.6    LC  Avg  Per
ΔP: 0.23 ±0.03 (t:9.1, r2:0.415), ΔEpoch: 1.6
ΔP/C: 0.004 ±0.001 (t:3.7, r2:0.104)
Mag at max: 10 ±0.3 (9.4-10.8)
GCVS period: 251.78, GCVS epoch: 2444240
GCVS spectral type: M6.5e-M8
E/P (X=15) ε2: 20.6, 2a2: -16, r2: 0.973
E/P (X=5) ε2: 11.3, 2a2: 17.9, r2: 0.918